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Why isn't the game starting when I press "new" or "continue"?

The game should work now. Thanks for reporting! (It seems changed its usual CDN which broke the game).

I installed the game in the app (Windows 10). Once the game starts, I can't click anywhere in the menu. In the browser (firefox) the game works without issues. By the way, the game is great! Anyone has my same problem with app?

This version is not supposed to be played outside of There is a standalone version on Steam.


Beautiful game. 
I'd like to add some storyline and make gamify these activites a bit more by connecting these activities with real life problem solving, to make it more interesting for math students to work out.
Could you share more info about this project. I'd like to contribute as well.

Thank you for your suggestion. Actually I was thinking about adding a story to the game. I thought of something similar to the story-line from the Zachtronics games. But I have chosen a different path. I think the game should be close to the "pure experience" of chess or go. Personally, I rather aim for simplicity and remove any part that is not essential to a pure geometric experience. Some of reasons for this approach are explained and elaborated on by Jonathan Blow in his famous talk "Video Games and the Human Condition".


I love this, exactly what I want from this kind of game.

I found a solution what I'm pretty sure correct (altough take many more step than what the game expect) and the game don't accept it:

No idea how to write spoiler  so I just put a bunch of space here:

When have to make an equilateral triangle inside a circle, my logic was to draw a line from the center, then construct a 30 degree angle where that line meet with the circle, then where the new line meet with the circle, construct a 60 degree line, then connect where it meet with the circle to the first point. So all angle should be 60 degree, but the game don't like it :C

(4 edits)

I'm glad you like the game!  Please, send your construction(as a sketch file) to me, I'll take a look. (How to save your construction as a sketch file => In settings, select Toolset = full, then on the toolbar you will see a V-shaped button (You may need to switch to full-screen mode to see the button). Click on the button, it opens a popup menu.  If you select "Export to JSON", then your browser downloads "sketch.json". Please, send this file to  )


This game rocks! Really good work. I've got 2 minor notes.

1) No "extend line" function, which is possible using the copy line thing but its a bit awkward.

2) Sometimes the snap doesn't work so well on acute angled lines. I was having trouble on the construct similar triangle level.

Really like the game though!


Thank you for the feedback!

1) I will make a special view mode(show/hide guidelines) which targets this problem.

2) I will check that.